Akiane Kramarik is a remarkable artist who began displaying extraordinary talent at a young age after receiving visions.Born in 1994 in Illinois, she started drawing…
The Bible is NOT the only source for the flood. Something skeptics often miss is that there are hundreds of legends around the globe about…
Nick Vujicic, born without any arms or legs, found wholeness and salvation in Jesus Christ. His life is an amazing testimony and witness of the…
Jesus said it is almost impossible for a rich person to get into heaven. In this short video John Piper describes why this is true.
Time and again the Bible account is confirmed by modern archaeology. When you read the Bible you can be confident that you are reading real…
Could you assemble a bike by randomly selecting and placing the parts? That would be an easy task compared to building the molecular machines that give…
“If you saw a mechanical device of the sophistication of a butterfly you would not for a moment hesitate to ascribe that to intelligence. This is…
Time and again the Bible account is confirmed by modern archaeology. When you read the Bible you can be confident that you are reading real…
There is no ancient book more reliable than the New Testament. It stands alone. The time between the original writing and the first copies (Time Gap)…
“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox,…