“If you saw a mechanical device of the sophistication of a butterfly you would not for a moment hesitate to ascribe that to intelligence. This is…
Time and again the Bible account is confirmed by modern archaeology. When you read the Bible you can be confident that you are reading real…
Don’t waste your life chasing material dreams. Spend it chasing God.
There is no ancient book more reliable than the New Testament. It stands alone. The time between the original writing and the first copies (Time Gap)…
A simple approach to a contested topic – why do millions deny the obvious? This movie talks to everyone from experts to students about why…
Honouring parents is vital for developing a good society.
No document in world history so changed the world for the better as did the Ten Commandments.Western civilization — the civilization that developed universal human…
The doctors didn’t expect him to survive. He had head trauma, massive lacerations, horrible burns and his internal organs where shutting down. Then he died……
This story is like something from a horror movie. Even experienced police officers were shocked by what they saw.
Watch this movie to find out what could make people change how they think about abortion.